Would you buy an electrical Item with the CE marking so why would you buy an untested unproven conservatory base !
We have recently been having customers ask about the durabase and how some unethical companies and their
inexperienced untrained sales team have been saying that the durabase will bend and twist. I would like to assure all or customers that durabase is a full accredited building system that is fully JHAI and building regulation compliant. We have been supplying this for over 8 years now and durabase are on their second round of 10 year warranties and 5 years ago gave all customers a 25 year warranty as standard.
In a statement about this Elwyn Roberts, owner of durabase said, “We have sold over 10,000 bases since the new numbering system started (2004) plus at least 3000 sold to Wicks in the early 90s. Our floors do not bend. The outer ring beam on the Durabase Plus is 160 x 80 x 5 steel which is much stronger that what the untested base systems are using. We have full design calculations for the whole of our systems and are very confident that it is more than fit for purpose, the feedback we get from customers is about how strong it is, not that it bends and buckles. I note that the calculations that the untested systems have on their website specifies for Conservatories it doesnt mention extensions. Our system is strong enough for both.
When asked Kevin Pearson Director of conservatory base company said ” We had a choice of all the market for conservatory base systems and to be fair they have all been and gone. We picked durabase in the beginning and know that their steel base system is the only one on the market with building system type approval , with 25 years in the business and its quicker, lighter and easier to assemble than any other system it just goes to show what these “sales people” know.
I have been in the industry over 40 years, I would ask all base customers to look very carefully at what they are buying and rather than listen to salesman, look at the facts.
No steel base apart from Durabase has JHAI accreditation for building regulation approval and thats it.
I have not mentioned the company or their salesmen as we are not that type of company.
You know who you are and buyer beware as I know which I would purchase.
Andrew Savory